First90 is a 12-week program equipping you to build a successful ministry and grow as a professional minister.
Imagine you had a roadmap for building your campus ministry successfully and growing yourself in the process. Imagine that roadmap could guarantee long-term success in your ministry and life.
The roadmap is First90.
First90 is a coach-led, cohort-based program where you’ll gain professional tools that not only aid you in your current day-to-day but carry over far beyond your time in ministry.
Our goal is simple: give you the information and skills you need for long-term ministry success and help you focus more time and energy ministering to students.
…and much more!
Our team has over 50 years of combined ministry and coaching experience, and we want to help you be the person God has created you to be — right where you are.
Interested in taking your ministry to the next level? Join our next cohort today! We look forward to coming alongside you on your campus ministry journey.
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