
Join First90 & Set Your Campus Ministry Up for Long-Term Success

First90 is a 12-week program equipping you to build a successful ministry and grow as a professional minister.

Can you relate?

  • You desire the skills you need to be effective
  • Your boss seems to have no idea what you’re doing and is always asking you to do more
  • You're trying to balance ministry with seemingly endless administrative work
  • You're running from event to event with no long-term plan to follow
  • You're so busy with ministry that you barely have any time for yourself
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Imagine you had a roadmap for building your campus ministry successfully and growing yourself in the process.  Imagine that roadmap could guarantee long-term success in your ministry and life. 

The roadmap is First90.


What is First90?

First90 is a coach-led, cohort-based program where you’ll gain professional tools that not only aid you in your current day-to-day but carry over far beyond your time in ministry. 

Our goal is simple: give you the information and skills you need for long-term ministry success and help you focus more time and energy ministering to students.

With First90, you receive...

  • 7 Coaching sessions with your personal coach, who will accompany you every step of the way, providing personalized, hands-on, practical guidance.
  • 12 Weekly “Office Hours” calls where you’ll get the chance to connect with and learn from the other campus ministers who are trying to build a successful ministry like you.
  • 5 Cohort Sessions where you’ll get access to subject matter experts like Fr. Josh Johnson, Metanoia Catholic, and other seasoned campus ministry professionals from around the country, sharing their expertise and answering your questions directly. 
  • Certificate of completion stating you’ve successfully completed the First90 program
  • Access to Newman’s Campus Minister Digital Community, where you can connect with other campus ministers, share resources, and grow in your spiritual life outside of ministry

…and much more!

Who are we?

Our team has over 50 years of combined ministry and coaching experience, and we want to help you be the person God has created you to be — right where you are. 

Interested in taking your ministry to the next level? Join our next cohort today! We look forward to coming alongside you on your campus ministry journey.


*Spaces are limited! Reserve your spot now to embark on this enriching journey with us!*

What past F90 participants are saying...

The First 90 was exactly what I needed as a new campus minister coming into my position with very little formal training and being in the process of rebuilding a small school campus ministry.  Through the program’s group and individual meetings, which focused on topics like running effective small groups, event planning, delegation, and prayer, I was not only taught ways to grow my ministry immediately but given increased confidence in my ability to manage it well through periods of future growth. The First 90 is worthwhile for new campus ministers looking for quality professional development for growth as church leaders and revitalization of their ministries!" 
Madeleine Wertz - Roanoke College
The First90 Program has been invaluable to my work as a Campus Minister.  When I first began the program, I was struggling to form a concrete identity around what it meant to be a lay minister in a Catholic context, especially as a recent convert. On the other side of the program, thanks to the transparent one-on-one coaching sessions, encouraging group cohorts and practical handouts, I am more encouraged than ever to be a missional agent of transformation through our college ministry.
James Hunt - Central Connecticut University
I've attended lots of different conferences, but it can be hard to figure out how to actually apply what you're learning... the 1:1 accompaniment in First90 is the secret sauce for me. You discuss the challenges and opportunities at your particular campus and move from principles to direct application. The program itself is super comprehensive, as a whole, but the coaching component takes it to the next level!
 Anna Schulten - University of Southern Indiana 
As a first year campus minister, First90 helped me gain my footing in my ministry.  I learned about my own strengths and weaknesses and how they contributed to my leadership style and overall experience at work.  Additionally, I was encouraged in spiritually leading my ministry by cultivating my own prayer life, understanding the gifts God had given me, and diving deeper into my own relationship with the Lord.  In being a part of First90, I was able to meet and learn from other campus ministers, grow through personal coaching, and feel equipped to serve the Lord in my work.
 Victoria Nicoud - The College of William & Mary
First90 has been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me as a first-year diocesan director of campus ministry and finishing my third year of being a campus minister.  The one-on-one coaching sessions with Cooper were always insightful and I always left every call with more joy or understanding than I came in with.  The cohort sessions were always informative and inspiring.   First90 provides you the tools as a campus minister to be an effective disciple maker.
 Karl Yabut - Diocese of Shreveport


How much does First90 cost? 
Answer: A one-time fee of $150 ($10,000+ value).  If cost is an issue, don’t let that stop you from signing up here. We can discuss scholarship/sponsor opportunities as well.
What does the time commitment look like for First90? 
Answer: We know that your time is valuable.  That is why we created First90 to be easily attainable through a commitment of only one hour per week for 12 weeks.
How were the session topics selected?
Answer: Through gaining insights from seasoned campus ministry leaders in the field from the best programs around the country, First90 was developed with you in mind.  We are confident that the session topics meet the foundational needs that a campus minister should have in their first years on the job.
What’s the purpose of the coaching session?
Answer: Although the program content is the same for each campus minister, not every campus minister is the same.  Hence, the coaching strategy is in place to allow for a personal coaching experience where the coach accompanies the participants and is accommodating to their particular needs. 
Do I have to apply for First90, or can I just sign up?
Answer: Just sign up…First90 is open to anyone in campus ministry who desires to be better equipped to do their ministry.  
What happens after I complete First90?
Answer: Once you complete First90, we encourage you to stay connected with Newman Ministry and all that we have to offer.  One way is by joining one of our Newman Groups and staying active in our campus minister-only community on the Called app.  
What is a cohort?
Answer: In First90, you will begin and end a program at the same time as others going through with you.  The program schedule is lined out for you in such a way that every couple of weeks, we will meet “together” (on Zoom) in a common learning environment with a subject matter expert.  By consistently meeting in this capacity, you will develop a deeper sense of community with your fellow campus ministers.   We have found that it is in the cohort where relationships are forged, and campus ministers engage in practical discussions about their ministry even beyond First90.   It can also be very comforting to know you’re not the only campus minister trying to balance work, home, school, family, and friends.  You will leave First90 with an established network of working professionals in the field. 
How long does it take to complete the First90 program?
Answer:  First 90 is designed to be completed in 12 weeks.  
Do I get to choose my session dates and times?
Answer: You get to choose! Your coach will send you a link to schedule meeting times that are suitable for your availability.  In order to respect the time of fellow campus ministers and the coaches, we ask that these weekly sessions be safeguarded in order to reap all possible benefits of the program.

Ready to set your ministry up for long-term success?

Newman Ministry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.  No goods or services were received in exchange for your contribution. © Newman Ministry 2022. Newman Connection® is a registered trademark of Newman Connection.